(760) 746-0570
To help you recover what you lost from stroke , head trauma, concussion or neurological disease. Neuro-optometric Visual Postural Rehabilitation and Vision Therapy can help.
Concussions or other traumatic or acquired brain injuries can and will affect many different visual processing skills like balance and cognition making it difficult to live your life the way that you choose. Activities of daily living can become challenging with loss of independence. By providing neuro-optometric rehabilitation, neuro-optometrists can help you by offering you an individualized neuro-optometric rehabilitation program, which will allow you to decrease or eliminate your post-injury symptoms and improve your visual skills and thereby improve your quality life.
Only neuro-optometrist have the training and experience to treat these type of problems because vision is more complicated than what the public and most medical professional think. Because vision is so poorly understood, it is very typical that patients are not referred by their doctors and therapists leaving them to suffer with the vision problems for the rest of their lives. It is very common for me to see patients years after their neurological event (concussion or stroke) who were just discovering that there was such a doctor as a neuro-optometrist and that a rehabilitation treatment called neuro-optometric rehabilitation existed.
Vision is not 20/20. That is a measurement of “Eye Sight”. Eye sight is only a very small portion of vision. Vision is the dominant sense used for, and that controls balance, posture, movement, comprehension and the processing of cognition. There is no cognition without vision. One can have terrible eyesight and great vision and be able to do whatever they want to do or can have great eyesight and very poor vision and have to be dependent on others for their care. One only needs glasses or contact lenses for their poor eye sight . You will need neuro-optometric rehabilitation to treat vision problems. Only neuro-optometrist can evaluate vision and treat these complicated problems with neuro-optometric rehabilitation.
Please, contact us today and let us help you by treating your visual difficulties and improving your quality of life. Only neuro-optometrist can treat these difficult problems.
Neuro-optometric rehabilitation is an rehabilitation treatment regimen developed by a neuro-optometrist to help patients who have experienced symptoms secondary to stroke , concussions, traumatic brain injuries or other neurological diseases like Multiple Sclerosis ,COVID encephalopathy , Parkinson’s disease , Alzheimer’s disease and post-neurosurgical complications . Neuro-optometric rehabilitation is a process for the rehabilitation of the visual system which is involved in over sixty percent of the entire parts of the brain.
Some of the symptoms that a neuro-optometrist can help to eliminate or minimize with neuro-optometric rehabilitation include:
Double vision
Visual Field loss (loss of side vision)
Dizziness and Disequilibrium
Acquired strabismus (eye turns from paresis or paralysis of eye muscles).
Poor balance (high fall risk)
Difficulty walking(gait disturbance)
Poor Posture
Difficulty reading and poor comprehension
Poor Memory
Light Sensitivity
Blurred eyesight
Eye teaming difficulties (Binocular vision disorders)
Convergence or focusing difficulties
Oculomotor dysfunction(poor eye tracking)
Visual perceptual and cognitive deficits
Treatment regimens are designed specifically for each patient to address their particular issues. The length of treatment will vary from patient to patient, but it can take anywhere from a few months to a few years.
After a thorough analysis of the visual system neurologically, treatment is achieved with the use of special prisms lenses, lenses, filters, patches , tints and neuro-optometric visual postural rehabilitation techniques and procedures.